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    Default Glenn Beck Plans Movie Production, Says 'I Hate Politics'

    From All Access:

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    GLENN BECK told THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER that he is adding movie production to his MERCURY RADIO ARTS operation, refurbishing his headquarters at THE STUDIOS AT LAS COLINAS in IRVING, TX to produce movies and developing three original theatrical films.

    BECK, the PREMIERE NETWORKS host and founder of THEBLAZE, the website, online video, and online and broadcast radio network, described the three movies as one set in ancient history, one set in modern history, and one as "faith-based," and said he has optioned other properties, including buying back the movie rights to his own novel "THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER" from SONY.

    BECK told THR, "I bought a movie studio for a reason. I have every intent of finding great artists who will tell great stories that aren't typical. Everybody thinks they know who I am because of my stint on FOX -- that was two years of my life. I'm much more into culture than I am into politics, and that's where I intend on making my stand."

    After praising filmmakers like BAZ LUHRMANN and DARREN ARONOFSKY who "risk big," BECK said, "We're beginning to agree that Republicans and Democrats suck -- they've built this machine to grind people into the ground. I hate this stuff. I hate politics. I hate politicians and I feel like I'm wasting my life. Don't we all know what's happening? GEORGE W. BUSH was taking us down a road, and BARACK OBAMA is taking us down that same road. What difference does it make? I don't want to waste my life anymore."




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