From All Access:
WAY MEDIA Contemporary Christian WAY-FM/DENVER was on the front lines last week as the AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION (AHA) attempted to shut down an OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoebox drive at SKYVIEW ACADEMY in HIGHLANDS RANCH CO.
When SKYVIEW received the cease & desist letter from AHA, the staff decided it would be best to comply due to potential legal expenses. Students and parents then opted instead to move the shoebox collection to a public sidewalk nearby, but off school property.
WAY-FM/DENVER Dir. of Oper./GRAYSON LONG explains, "Our entire team including THE WALLY SHOW involved in a big way. We were broadcasting on-site, encouraging listeners to join in, and continuing the effort to help children who would otherwise receive nothing for CHRISTMAS. The drive ended up being the most successful that SKYVIEW has had to date."
The conflict between SKYVIEW and AHA also received national attention, with coverage from MEGYN KELLY/FOX NEWS and the local NBC affiliate CHANNEL 9 NEWS.