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Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Westminster, CO

    Default Viacom forcing Directv to drop their channels at midnight 7/10/12?

    According to a press release we just got from Directv:

    "DIRECTV has absolutely no intention of removing your favorite Viacom networks like Nickelodeon, Comedy Central or MTV. But, unfortunately, Viacom executives sent a letter to us today, forcing us to take these channels down by midnight tomorrow if we don’t come to an agreement.

    We asked Viacom to allow us to keep the channels up while we continue to negotiate but they refused. They are using this tactic to try and leverage over a 30% increase (that’s an additional one billion dollars) from our customers. We’re working diligently on a new agreement to keep making these channels available at a fair price to our customers.

    But in the meantime, ask Viacom to do the right thing and give DIRECTV the permission to keep these channels on while we continue to negotiate. We will also ask Viacom to keep making these networks available during any of our private business discussions."

    All of the Viacom channels on Directv have scrolling messages from both Viacom and Directv...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Untitled-6.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Fort Collins


    Yeah that does suck! Those greedy bastards! All they want is more money from Directv and for Directv to drive up the bill! I am glad they are counteracting them and telling Vicom NO way in hell is this going to take place! It is sad that Viacom has to do this? This is what FOX did (remember that?) they once again told DIrectv stop broadcasting our channels before a negation of a new contract can come up.
    I hate this to, every network seems to think they can pull this shit on cable and Satallite company alone! They finding out the hard way they can't do that.
    This post came from Radiodude!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    As of 9:50pm this evening the channels have been dropped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Westminster, CO


    Directv has opened up the "Encore" movie channels to all subscribers to try to make up for this. I'm on Directv's side on this whole issue.

    Viacom wants $1 billion MORE a year from them? And pulls this drama where they give all of us 24 hours notice before they order the pulling of their channels from Directv? You know if Directv caved, our bills would be going up a few dollars a month to fund this money. Viacom keeps having VERY profitable quarters and this money grab is just ridiculous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Colorado Springs, CO


    The only Viacom channel I watch semi-regularly is Comedy Central. Channels like MTV (remember when they were "Music Television"?) and VH1 have become shadows of their former selves, playing reality shows instead of music.

    If Viacom wants DirecTV subscribers to pay 30% more for their channels, Viacom should be required to make their programming at least 30% better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Westminster, CO


    Directv and Viacom have made a deal and the channels are all back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Rob View Post
    Directv and Viacom have made a deal and the channels are all back.
    That's great news I've been missing TVLand and now I have it back



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