View Full Version : Pending Business: Are You Truly Thankful?

Colorado Media Newsroom
December 1st, 2022, 10:40 PM
From Talkers:

By Steve Lapa
Lapcom Communications Corp

https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/lapastevewriter.jpg (https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/lapastevewriter.jpg)PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. —*It is mostly passe, this holiday season tradition of appreciating individuals, isn?t it?
Do you remember when sales reps and managers brought thoughtful holiday gifts with handwritten cards delivered in person to clients and key gatekeepers? The value of the gift was secondary to showing how grateful we felt for the business throughout the year. But more importantly, we showed appreciation for a valuable business relationship.
We didn?t win every piece of business, but over time we won more than we lost. We celebrated the wins and vowed to work smarter with each loss. As trust and confidence became the primary drivers in every interaction, this time of year marked the starting line where we recognized the business bond in full view of our competitors and collaborators.
Is the custom alive and well in your world? Or are you doing the mass email or text, then checking the box on the to-do list and moving on? If you fall into the mass email or text category, all you are really saying is, ?You are one of many who buy ads, thanks.? Why even hit the send button?
In today?s cooler, COVID-adjusted, watch-out-for-the-staff-cuts world, almost every seller and manager I deal with is losing people-contact skills. The goal of keeping a business relationship alive and healthy is a lost skill in the online world of “send and delete.” Trust me here, maintaining your business relationships is an always-on skill that needs constant feeding, especially this time of year.
Most sellers and managers will view low business activity as a chance to put workflow in slow motion. But the smarter marketer will see the opportunity to access quality time with key decision makers. Especially when the warmth of the holiday season fills the air.
This year, try and improve those relationship skills that will make a difference and could make next year more productive. Here are some thought starters.

Personalized “Thank You.” In addition to that mandatory mass email or text, take the time to write each decision maker an individual, meaningful, personalized note.
Show Up. Whenever you can, wherever you can, be a positive part of your client?s day.
Alone for the Holidays. Even your most difficult clients deserve a “Thank You.”

We often forget that the greatest broadcast industry in the world is built on people. Take a minute to show how much you appreciate everyone who contributes to your success.
https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1-tbugk.jpg (https://www.talkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1-tbugk.jpg)
Steve Lapa is the president of Lapcom Communications Corp. based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Lapcom is a media sales, marketing, and development consultancy. Contact Steve Lapa via email at:*Steve@Lapcomventures.com (Steve@Lapcomventures.com)

More... (https://www.talkers.com/2022/11/28/pending-business-are-you-truly-thankful/)